Thursday, July 22, 2010

Will there ever be a Perfect Society?

There is an idea that I have always been fascinated by since I can remember. In most human societies as they are, imperfections exist which lead to grave inequalities in education, opportunities and resources. The stated aim of many democracies is to provide a better life for its citizens, and as difficult as that is, supposing that it could happen, there are very interesting ramifications to our existing societal structure. If everyone is qualified to work, where will manual labour come from? It is true that if the creative ability of so many individuals is unleashed, solutions to such problems may be found easily. Perhaps we will create automation to make that possible. But what would happen to the available resources on earth? Since those cannot be augmented beyond a certain limit, uplifting of society will cause greater strain than now on natural resources, and the earth – consequently us – will suffer as a result. Which professions will still be found? Indeed how the whole configuration of society would change is a fascinating exercise in imagination. 

 We may desire a perfect and harmonious society where all have equal opportunities, but will it ever happen? Will human nature allow such a thing to develop? So I believe that before we can assume the existence of the Perfect Society, humanity would have to wake up to the excesses it has committed and the horrific apathy we seem to have for our fellow humans. It is not within everyone’s reach to help the underprivileged directly or substantially. But the realization that there are people who are worse-off than you will help appreciate the nature of life better. The true enlightenment of individuals is the only way we are going to create an egalitarian society. But that task is enormously difficult, not least because of the self-centered nature of human beings.