Friday, April 16, 2010

How do we live life?

Happy people are usually never bothered about the meaning of life. They are too busy living life as it comes. So are those who continually worry about that question doing any favour to themselves? I have come to think that they are not. Of course, there are questions about why someone would even ask such a question. But life works mysteriously. You never know when you will be in a position where it just seems that nothing is worth it now. It happens to the best of us. The response to such events defines people, and  also transforms them utterly.

I wonder how life should be lived then. Even after such an experience, we can retain the desire to live. Our way of looking at life has undergone drastic changes; but we still need to do things the same way as other happy people to be happy. To describe people as being “happy” is a simplistic generalization. But it serves the purpose of showing a way of living which may come closest to finding real meaning in life.

Dwelling on the past makes no one happy. Worrying about the future does no better. Only living in the present offers a chance. Each of us has a unique character and personality. Those attributes decide how people react even when they live in the present. But the reaction can also be determined by a desire for change, a leap of faith. That faith is what keeps us going. Faith in yourself, faith in life’s ability to give us happier times. It starts with complete acceptance of the present and clear understanding of how you see yourself in the future – not a specific way necessarily, but in a way that makes you feel good. Once that is done, the hard steps of shaping reality according to your dreams await. If someone were searching for meaning in life, that is all you need to tell them.

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